I Am the Fly is a podcast about a brief time in the late 20th century: when a cassette tape ran 90 minutes but held infinite promise, when drugs went suburban and parents didn’t helicopter, when stars walked among us, but you couldn’t even prove it.
I am the fly
David Klein
Guiding you through the pre-digital past on a pair of warped wings.

Latest Episodes
Even as love and fatherhood have remade my life, I’m not immune to falling into a bit of a rut. But in early aughts New York, you never know when a chance conversation with Lady Gaga will set a course for the future.
My leap into the online dating pool is like 15 years of my dating life condensed into three weeks: a couple of no-shows, a visibly disappointed manic pixie dream-girl, and some fast action on my living room couch.
Maybe Alice … Something with an H … will be the one to turn the tide.
Thanks to Jivamukti Yoga, I’m spending more time doing downward dogs than downing beers. But it turns out, changing your habits is easier than changing your scene.
If you can possibly avoid it, do not take part in a lavish Brazilian wedding without a date. All I have to do to avoid this ignominious fate is to woo the sea goddess Janaina through the power of song.
My oldest and best friend is marrying the Girl from Ipanema and I’m one of the best men. Now I’m Rio-bound with Stephen Mailer, who may be the funniest person I’ve ever met – and I’ve met Joey Bishop.
Come fly with me…
The 1997 MTV Video Music Awards ended eight hours ago, so what am I doing in a limousine with Courtney Love — and where the hell are we going?
An eyelash, Tiny Sized Chiclets, and a miniature hangman's noose…Love is a many-splendored thing.
Hitching my star to the Broadway Danny Rose of the ICM Literary Department feels like a slap, but tonight, with the help of Burt Reynolds, maybe we can start a brand-new working folder.
I’m no rabid U2 fan, but I can think of worse ways to spend the last Saturday in August—when all the shrinks are in the Hamptons and anyone who’s anyone has somewhere better to be—than at a storied sports arena in the company of rock stars.
My first cousin, Winona Ryder — Noni to me — is engaged to Johnny Depp, and this has afforded me a weird kind of occasional close access to Johnny, a rising star who’s well on the cusp of epic hugeness. Tonight, we’ll take Manhattan.